Tuesday, January 03, 2006

A Mighty God

Today, I finally saw The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. I've probably read the book about 20 times so I was anxious to see how the movie stacked up. It was awesome! However, it was one of the final lines of the movie that has stuck with me and made me both tremble and feel hope at the same time. Mr. Tumnus is speaking to Lucy after the Coronation. They are watching Aslan from a balcony as he is walking away from Care Paravel and Lucy is sad that he is leaving. And Mr. Tumnus says..."He [Aslan] is after all, not a tame Lion." And Lucy replies, "Yes, that's true... but he is good."

As the credits rolled at the end of the movie, I sat in my chair and thought about that statement. My first thought was that I sometimes forget that God is fierce and powerful and a force not to be toyed with. It's easy to get caught up in the comforting idea that God is this kind, benevolent old man that sits up in heaven and watches over us. I once wrote a blog about God allowing difficulties to come into my life in order to work change in me and someone commented that her loving 'Abba' God would never do that. I think that we're falling prey to lies if we don't see God as a fierce Lion who can do what He wills with our lives. That being said, Lucy's reply is what fills us with hope...God is good. No matter what happens to us, it will be for our good and ultimately, He will win every battle and His goodness and love will prevail over evil.

As I, His child walk this road, I must remember that the God of the New testament is the same as the God of the Old, only now I have someone to intercede on my behalf, someone who bore my sins for me. And like Edmund in the movie, someone died in my place. May I never forget that I am worthy of death and an in this knowledge live my life as befitting His grace!


Blogger Joe said...

Beautiful insights.

It is sometimes difficult to balance the Lionship of God with His grace and kindness.

3:44 a.m.  
Blogger An Ordinary Christian said...

Thanks for visiting. I enjoy praying for you and will continue to do so. It is wonderful that God is so faithful to complete the work that He has begun.
May you find your rest in Him and rich blessings. God bless you.

6:32 a.m.  
Blogger Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

Great post!

I haven't seen the movie yet, but "What's My Mission" and I are planning on seeing it next week before school starts up again...hopefully it will still be there then.

4:55 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

finally, that's being shown here. looking forward to watching this on sunday.

2:56 a.m.  
Blogger Dave. said...


9:19 a.m.  
Blogger An Ordinary Christian said...

Just checking back in. Becky, you continue to be brought to my mind and I enjoy lifting you up to the Lord.

8:01 p.m.  

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