Still Reaching Out In Faith'd think with all the writing I did on my blog before school started, term papers would be a breeze. The words just don't flow as easily when I have to write as when I'm writing because I want to! I'm sorry it's been so long since I've written here, but the papers are taking up my few precious spare moments when baby has finally fallen asleep and I can get some homework done. I've only got 2 major papers left to do and once their done, I can catch up on the reading and start studying for finals.
God is good. I just want to let you know that I still believe that, even within the hustle and bustle of school and the noise and clammer of a 19-month old and the still absent husband. Even when I have days when I've actually wondered if He still loves me, or worse yet, if He even likes me, my faith remains. Not always strong, not always unshaken, but it remains.
I've had a couple of really tough counselling sessions when I have had to come face to face with my idea of God and question His power and purpose in my life. There have been nights of bitter tears and mornings when all seems grey and hopeless. But somehow, within in this sorrow, I still believe. And that is the work of the Holy Spirit. It is He that whispers to me, God is good. God loves you still. God is in control. He hasn't abandoned you. He hasn't forgotten His promises to you. He hasn't turned His back and walked away. And as I get up each morning and face another tough and lonely day, God does walk with me. If He wasn't, I wouldn't be standing.
Love to you all!