Sunday, August 07, 2005


I held my son close in my arms tonight as he screamed in pain and frustration. He has another molar coming in and it hurts. So, I gave him a dose of Advil and rocked him as the tears streamed down my face in silent anguish to see my darling suffer. But I know that he must endure this suffering for a time until all of his teeth are in. I know that it is ultimately for his good, even though I wish it didn't hurt him so.

My Heavenly Father must feel the same anguish when I am suffering. Just like I know that my son must continue to endure this pain until all his teeth come in, my Father knows what I must endure to become the person He wants me to be. Like my son, I can't understand why I must go through this trial, but just like I know there are only 8 more teeth to go, my Father knows just how long this sorrow will last. He sees what's on the other side of this hurt. And I also know that He holds me in his arms and tears stream down His face in anguish to see His daughter suffer. And He tells me tonight, that it is only for a time and that something wonderful awaits me when this long night is over.

Isaiah 25:8 The Sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears from all faces.


Blogger Pilot Mom said...

Wonderful analogy!

7:35 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooooh Becky, that was good! He doesn't promise there will be no trials, no suffering - but He does promise to never leave nor forsake us.

I love the verse!

6:16 p.m.  

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