Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Simply Trusting

Today, we received more really bad news. I wanted to scream and say, "Enough! I've had as much as I can take", but I didn't. Instead I bowed my head and asked the Father to fill me with His presence and I was flooded with peace. The words from Scripture, (Psalm 37:25) "I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread", raced through my mind. And I knew without a shadow of a doubt that God would take care of me and my little family and I did not feel fear. As I crawl under the quilt tonight, I know that the Prince of Lies will be working overtime to overcome my confidence in God's love with thoughts of doubt and anger and distrust. But with the help of the Holy Spirit I will make it through the night and rise up in the morning with a renewed hope and a faith that is unshakeable.


Blogger Lionfish said...

Becky, I am with addison. I dont know what you are going through - but I pray the same for you.

5:25 a.m.  
Blogger The Faith Expedition said...

Thank you Addison for your kind comments and thank you for visiting. As I said to Lionfish on his blog, it is amazing how comforting words from virtual strangers can be. I'm thankful to the Father for my blogging brothers and sisters. Come by anytime and say hello. You are welcome here friend.

10:36 a.m.  

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