Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Broken Promises

Tonight I feel angry about broken promises. "I promise..." The words slide off the tongue so easily. Such powerful words. They can make you believe, they can fill you with hope, they have the potential to destroy you. Through all of this, I have a new resolve to be careful about saying those words unless I mean it. No loop holes, no exceptions, no ifs, ands, or buts! If I can't mean it, I will never say it again. I'm so thankful that God's promises to us are 100% reliable. I'm so grateful that He never fails us. I'm so happy that I can trust His promises to hold true. "Thank you Father for not breaking your promises to me. Help me to never break my promises to others. Help me to seek forgiveness where I have let others down. I will only say those two words if I really mean them. I promise! "


Blogger Lionfish said...

How many promises do we break to our own kids?

I still have in my short but vivid memory set of feelings of broken promises that my natural mother mad before her passing when I was five. ~Dont worry I'm too old to feel sa any more :-)~

A promise to buy some clown pictures for my bedroom is one...she would have not thought much of it, but a kid really expects us to keep our promises.

I guess, these are things that allow us as people to learn not to put our faith in other people but God.

God promised me at 5 "...that he would always be there for me" - and that promise he has kept!

4:48 a.m.  

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