Friday, April 15, 2005

Grace Under Pressure

I haven't slept in two nights. Baby has a cold. I felt angry and frustrated this morning and said stupid things like, "why can't I ever get a break?" and, "The whole universe is working against me right now!" And then the words 'Grace under pressure' flew across my exhausted brain. I've never been good at going without sleep. It always brings out the worst in me. I remember as a teenager going to a ski resort for the weekend with friends. They'd be up til dawn playing board games, laughing loudly, running around...and there I'd be, wrapped up in my sleeping bag with my pillow over my head, fuming and muttering about not getting enough sleep. I need sleep. About nine hours please! And here I am, I haven't slept in a year! I'm pretty cranky by this stage. And through it all, I have prayed and asked my Father to grant me just one good nights sleep. To no avail. As a matter of fact it seems as if when I ask Him for a good night, it is the worst night ever! I just don't get it. Okay, maybe I do. Maybe God is teaching me to persevere, hold up under stress & pressure, be exhausted but keep smiling and find a good attitude along the way. Be a woman of strength and grace Becky! "His grace is sufficient to supply all your needs according to His riches in Glory." And once again I am reminded that this too, these sleepless nights and long lonely days will be used for my good. As I crawl under my quilt for a nap this afternoon, I will ask God to supply my needs and if He can't give me sleep, grant me the grace and strength I need to get through my day with a positive attitude, a luminous face, and peace in my heart that He alone knows what I need.


Blogger Jennifer said...

You sound just like me! I take prescription sleeping pills, I sleep with headphones and an eye mask, and some nights I STILL don't sleep! Any tiny sound or movement wakes me up. I have literally laid awake bawling my eyes out, begging God for sleep. And talk about cranky!!! I wish I had an answer for you. Just hang in there and I will be praying for you.

1:14 p.m.  
Blogger Pilot Mom said...

I, too, get so cranky without sleep. After my dad died I had such a horrible time so I began taking a sleeping pill. Well, two weeks ago I stopped it and have done alright until last night as I awoke at 3am and didn't go back to sleep until 7 am this morning. When I have these times...I first begin praying...for everyone that I can possibly think about, if I am still not able to go back to sleep then I begin reading and as a last resort I get on my computer and blog....which is what I did last night. Too bad we haven't exchanged phone numbers...we could get a conference call going in the wee hours of the morning! We could call it Conflabbing for God or something like that! :) And, I love the pic of the kitten!

6:24 p.m.  

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