Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Does God Still Speak Through Dreams?

I had a dream last night that I was standing in front of a huge crowd, a stadium full of strangers. I was telling my story. Someone said to me, "You must tell your story. It's how we turn our suffering into good." I remember standing there, looking out at the sea of faces and feeling nervous, wondering why I was there and what did I have to say. When I awoke, I felt sure that God was telling my that my story will be used to encourage others.

I'm not sure how I feel about dreams. I don't know if they are just a compilation of thoughts and experiences and worries all reconfigured into stories. I don't know if they speak of our inner thoughts and wonderings. I'm not sure if they can be words from God. I think that biblically, the later can certainly be true. Does it happen to me? That I'm not certain about.

A couple of weeks ago, I was lying down in the afternoon waiting for my son to fall asleep. I was wide awake, but my eyes were closed and my mind was just flitting about, landing on random thoughts. Suddenly, the faces of 5 men flashed one at a time in my minds eye. They were brilliant, glowing, peaceful and powerful looking. My eyes flew open and I sat there a bit stunned for a moment. I had the certain knowledge that they were the Angels that were with me during this difficult time. I dismissed the thought immediately and thought I had imagined the whole thing. Later when I told a friend, she was convinced in her spirit that God had given me this glimpse to tell me I was not alone.

It's an area of spirituality that I have always shied away from. Does that mean it doesn't exist? Of course not. Am I ready to experience this side of my faith? I'm not sure. But I want to be open and willing.

As I crawl under my quilt tonight, I will ask my Father to open my spirit, heart and mind to experience the fullness of Him and all He would have me experience as His child. I don't want to miss out on something amazing just because it is not how I was brought up and is foreign to me. I am an empty vessel Lord, fill me up!

"And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Joel 2:28


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe He does still speak through dreams.

Peter repeated this very message from Joel in Acts 2:16-17

If the supernatural gifts of Spirit exist today, then they all exist today.

Like you, I turned my nose up at these gifts, up until I began a study of the Holy Spirit in Jan 2004. I decided to study Him for myself, and not simply believe the things taught from the pulpit - or better yet, the things that were blatently ignored.

I don't think, as Christians, we have the luxury of picking and choosing what we want to from the Bible. It's either all true and inspired by God or it's not.

We can't simply ignore Scripture just because it might not go along with "our" made-up doctrine about God. Much of Scripture is hard stuff!

I'm glad you're open and willing. That's what God wants from us - hearts that are open to what He has for us. He will honor that, and there's no telling what wonderful truths He will show you!


4:55 p.m.  
Blogger pete porter said...

The wisdom of God uses the foolish things to confound the wise. I would that all the Lord's people have eyes to see, and ears to hear what the Spirit is saying. This is what Moses prayed for Isreal, that the Spirit would rest on all the people. He was speaking from the heart of God for the people of God. Saying that shows God's desire.

9:31 p.m.  
Blogger Jennifer said...


I definitely believe God still speaks through dreams. The challenge is to measure whatever messages we see or hear in dreams against what the Bible says. If it doesn't match up, then it's not from God. But the Spirit bears witness, and because I believe you are very in tune with hearing God, I think it's very possible they were angels you saw.

5:43 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do believe God sometimes speaks to us in dreams. He is a pretty big God, and we're pretty small silly people. God needs to be creative when trying to show us His ways. You should feel blessed that He would speak to you in this fashion. Now, He's given you some (more) food for prayer. I can't wait to hear of how He will reveal Himself to you next! :-) LJ

10:53 a.m.  
Blogger Peg said...

I, also, believe that God speaks to us through dreams. One time many years ago I saw Jesus' face in a dream. It woke me up immediately and I felt an unbelievable amount of peace. I was really struggling with something at the time and I felt like He was telling me to give it ALL to Him! I did and I felt a weight lifted off me!

1:46 p.m.  
Blogger IMO said...

Hey Becky, I'm back. I KNOW He speaks to me in dreams. And you are right that sometimes our dreams are other things. I think that sometimes we work things out in our dreams. And I am convinced that I have been in the presence of angels. It is interesting that we feel strange about this stuff until we speak to others and find out that they have been there to. Keep dreaming! :)

10:52 p.m.  

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