Thursday, March 10, 2005

What Women Want

This blog is for the women who grace me with their presence here on a daily basis. But its also for the men. I'd like to know what they think. Girls, if you could pick one moment in a movie that encapsulates what love means to you what would it be? Men...same question. Here is my answer:

The Movie: The Village by M.Night Shymalan

The Scene: Ivy Walker (the blind heroin) is in danger. Instead of running into the house and climbing down into the cellar with everyone else, she stands out on the porch and holds her hand straight out in front of her. The 'creatures' are coming closer and she knows she is in peril. But more importantly, she knows that Luscious, the man that she loves will come for her and bring her to safety. At the last second, he does come, takes her hand and pulls her inside.

Why That Speaks To Me: Don't get me wrong, I do not want to be the damsel in distress waiting for my knight in shining armour to come and rescue. However, love to me, means knowing without a doubt that he will be there for me when I need him most. That my needs, my safety, and my happiness are important to him. That when he is with me, I am emotionally and physically safe. And...when I am with him, he is emotionally and physically safe. That I will be there for him and that his needs are important to me. That there is safety between us. We are connected.

Please, if you have a moment, share your favorite movie moment with me. And as I crawl under my quilt tonight, I will ask my Father to help me to be what I want to have. If I want safety, to be a safe place. If I want happiness, to bring happiness. If I want my needs met, be a need 'meeter'. And if I want love, be a giver of unconditional love. Thank you Father that You can be our safety, our happiness, our satisfaction and our true love!


Blogger Pilot Mom said...

Finally! I've tried Commenting on and off this afternoon but there has been a problem with Blogger.

Anyway, I don't know that I have a particular 'scene' in any movie. I have several favorite 'chick' flicks that I like...Sleepless in Seattle, You've Got Mail, While You Were Sleeping.

I guess if I wanted to tie it in to Christianity, then I would have to say The Passion. When I think of what He did for me, I cannot even stand. Do you know what I mean?

I love your analogy. Great food for thought.

7:50 p.m.  
Blogger IMO said...

I couldn't think of one either, but I LOVE the movies that pilot mom wrote. And I really think that the ultimate love was the one that Jesus died for!

8:55 p.m.  

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