Friday, February 25, 2005

So Tired

Tonight, I have hit the wall. I'm so utterly exhausted that the thought of writing this blog entry makes my head swim. As I crawl under my quilt tonight I will thank God that He is a God of second chances. When He has the right to be fierce and angry He has offered us peace and hope and forgiveness. However, lets not forget that He is not just the God of peace and comfort but is a fierce-some and jealous God who demands much from those of us that call ourselves His children. We often don't like to talk about that side of God...but it is something that is weighing heavily on my mind today. Not only would it be impossible without Christ to stand in His fierce presence, but we would be unable to stand before His perfect goodness. Our shame would be unbearable and we would likely want to die. How amazing then is our salvation. How undeserving. How under appreciated. Thank you, thank you, thank you! For the rest of my days, may I never forget what His grace truly means. May I never return to that place where God is not first.


Blogger Lionfish said...

Hi Becky,

Great photo - the water is so clear. I know what you mean about being tired - I've had a busy week.

6:03 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Becky - I'm in complete agreement with you. If we are going to accept the loving, merciful and gracious God, then we have to accept the holy and just side of Him as well. Sometimes it's hard to come face to face with a holy, righteous God. It means we have to face our depravity, and that's not easy. Thankfully, He provides the grace so we can change!

2:58 p.m.  

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