Sunday, January 09, 2005

Too many tears

Tough day today. It started out with thanks, with hopeful thoughts, with dreams. It ended in tears, disappointment, discouragement. So what do I do now? How do I finalize this day in a way that makes it worthwhile. The only place I can go from here is to the Father. He's the only one that can make sense of a senseless day. He's the only one that can bring joy in the middle of the storm. There's a verse in the bible that says..."He hides me in the cleft of a rock and covers me over with His hand." Isn't that awesome! I think I'll just crawl on in there right now and sleep under His care. Wow...I feel better just having typed those words. Words are powerful things. My words to you who may read this post tonight:
* Don't despair
* You are not alone
* The same one who put the planets in order, is in charge of your life!
* When you're afraid of the future, remember this...God is already there!

Have an awesome sleep...where ever the cleft is that you're hiding in.


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