Thursday, January 06, 2005

A blog of encouragement?

This is only my second day writing this 'blog of great encouragement' and I had the most defeated feeling day. Five shouts at the dog, six cookies and a bag of cheese puffs later I feel discouraged and mad at myself. So the slap sounds like this..."Quit it! Stop feeling like a loser because you had an off day. It's okay to not be up all of the time. Shake it off, and do better. You can start from this moment on. There's still plenty of time left in this day to be positive and kinder to yourself (and the dog)!"

Okay, so I have 5 more hours before I go to bed. What can I do in those 5 hours? What can you do with the time you have left? There's still time to rescue your day. Still time to make it count for something. Still time to give a hug, get a hug, say something nice to yourself and to someone else. News ain't over til it's over!


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