Friday, January 28, 2005

The Sweet Smell Of Promise

Today I was on the campus of my alma matre. I stood for a moment outside in front of the Student Center and just took in the energy of promise, hope and bright futures that hustled towards classes and professors. I was envious of them. Their future so bright, so positive, so possible. There was a kind of tangible curtain of energy that surrounded the place and I felt my skin prickle to it. I took a deep breath and sucked in that sweet smell of promise, hoping it would somehow change me, make me younger and give me a fresh start. Oh, how I would do things differently! Suddenly, the words to a U2 song drifted out of an open door and I caught the last line, "I still haven't found what I'm looking for." How appropriate. That's exactly what I was feeling. I thought, when I was University that I knew exactly what I wanted and who I was. Now I realize I knew nothing and I'm still reaching to become everything I should/could be. And so tonight, I'll crawl under my quilt and I'll remember what it was like to believe and I'll ask the Father to show me what His purpose is for me and I'll drift off to sleep with that sweet smell of promise still lingering in my mind.


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