A long-overdue update

Okay, I know...it's been forever and most likely there are very, very few, if any of you still haunting this ol' blog. But just in case there are a few of you still lingering in cobwebbed corners, I wanted to wish you a very happy new year! Yay 2010! I also wanted to let you know that after 4 1/2 years, Joe and I are giving our marriage a 2nd chance. It's amazing to me, reading back over the tearful blogs of many, many lonely and painful nights, that in God's own time, He has answered my prayers. I can't lie. It did seem to take Him FOREVER! But as always His timing was exactly as it should be...not too late, not too soon, but exactly perfect...when each duck was in it's place in the row, He bent low to my ear and whispered..."now daughter, now is the time. I promised to answer your prayers. You waited faithfully and here is your reward. There is still more to learn...much more! There are still mountains to climb, valleys to tremble through, rivers that will threaten to run wild over you, but now is the time for THIS prayer to be answered. Go carefully, wisely, and prayerfully...but go with confidence and trust that I am the God of your past, present and future and I go with you." Thank you to all that prayed with me! My love still goes out to you as I re-read my blogs. You were there for me. May God bless your life for standing by me. *hugs*