Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The Key Master

"Do not get discouraged; it may be the last key in the bunch that opens the door." ~ Stansifer
If you could have seen the size of the smile on my face when I read this in my morning meeting with God, you would not be able to hold back an answering grin. The simplicity of the words struck me with awesome truth. I could see that key, the very last one, sliding into the lock that holds closed the lid on this treasure chest called my life. I could hear the click as the tumblers turned and slid into place. I could hear the creak of the lid as it slowly lifted. I could hear the heartbeat of Jesus inside and see the glow from His smile as He anxiously waited to show me the answer that lay within. Oh how I long for that day! But until then, I will simply trust that God is the master of the keys and He knows precisely when the time has come to spring open the chest and reveal His plan for me!


Blogger Saija said...

i seem to be having a stress attack these last couple of days, with the shallow breathing and weird feeling ... like something is going to happen ...

maybe it will be something good? instead of bad ... maybe it is that last key that will be put into place?

maybe i just need abit more faith and the hope that God's plan is being put into place even as i type ...

you've written wonderful encouraging words! thank you again, Becky ...

12:36 p.m.  
Blogger IMO said...

That is very cool and SO true! I love even more, your description of your thoughts and feelings--I need to write, like Claire once said a devotional book or something.

10:33 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are reading the same devotional. What a great followup to "Wit's End Corner"

I was equally encouraged by this piece. Great to get a refresher just now thanks.

12:21 p.m.  

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